Christian Dior Haute Couture 2012


Chirstian Dior has put Bill Gaytten on throne who has been standing beside Galliano for 16 years.
They both cherished the mesmerizing craftmanship of haute couture very much – but showed this in different ways.
Galliano, you can see it in the shows, they were amazing, blinding… overfilled with the luxury and everything you can ask for in a fairy tale land.
Gaytten, he tickles you. He tickles you with the chic elegant essence and makes you want to become more of a Parisian woman filled with classy femininity.

Keeping the Dior’s classic fit and flare feminine silhouettes and literally “X-raying” the pad stitching to stabilize the material with fine light organza, Gaytten showed off the level of technique his sartorialists have.
You automatically feel so lucky to visually see the hard work of the artisans and feel the quality.
Usually the stitch padding are seen on menswear suits are to strengthen places like the lapels and the collar in the inside. In this collection they were used to strengthen cuffs and kimono collars… but they were see through.
Do you know what this means? Usually tailors do pad stitching fast yet with stability, but they don’t care how it looks because it will be hidden in the inside.
But these dresses were made of light fine organza which meant that each pad stitching was like an embroidery. It had to be all lined up and visibly presentable.


When I was in my last year in Bunka Fashion College, I remember having to stitch the lapel and the top collar filled with pad stitches.
I only had incredible patience which made me keep on going until I grasped that sense of accomplishment. No one will ever know the hard work, dedication and time put into it unless they have done it.
Imagine doing it on see through material. Ya..
Chirstian Diorではガリアーノの横で16年間アシストしていた Bill Gayttenが今デザイナーとなってる。
ゲイテンはそれと違ってくすぐる。シックでエレガンスな要素で くすぐる感触がより品なフェミニンさで溢れているパリの女性になりたがせる。

ディオールのクラッシックなフィットアンドフレアーのシルエットとX線でみるかのように中のハ刺しがしっかりと見え、オーガンジーの強度を増しているクラフトマンシップで ゲイテンはサルトリアリストの技を見せつけた。

それを外に透けてみせさすなんて とんでもないくらいの時間とでディケーションで詰まってるに違いない。